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Showing Products 1-24 of 10 Result
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Stunning Beauty Bouquet


Gaze in speechless wonder at the sheer beauty of it all! Celebrate the vibrant combination of bright red roses, purple blossoms, and flattering pink stargazers offset with vibrant greens carefully displayed in a tranquil glass vase. Pamper someone special--have a talented florist arrange a delivery today!

Purple Cottage


Say "Thinking of you!" with irresistible ivory roses and vivid violet flowers, lavished with an elegant lavender ribbon. Our local florist's keen attention to each arrangement ensures this delivery in one your special someone will never forget!

French Country Bouquet


This bountiful bouquet, infused with the charm of the French countryside, boasts a captivating collection of fragrant flowers. What an elegantly rustic and thoughtful gift!

Love Roses


Luminous with classic beauty, this lovely bouquet of twelve perfect roses truly expresses all you have to say. A most wonderful and unexpected surprise!

Darling Garden


A crisp palette of elegant roses and fresh flowers in shades of cheery cherry red, yummy yellow and juicy plum capture the most piquant hand-picked hues of a garden in full bloom!

Bundle of Pink Kisses


A lavishly luscious assortment of fresh, fragrant flowers bursts to life from this charming arrangement. Brilliantly beautiful blooms always make a wonderful gift!

Flights of Fancy Bouquet


A whimsical and fanciful assortment of white, pink, red, purple, blue, yellow and orange daisies and carnations will send a loved one's heart soaring. The Flights of Fancy Bouquet is a loving token of your warmest sentiments.

Heavenly Style


A cloud of full, precious pink roses and innocent ivory lilies floats amid a shimmering glass vase in a stylish and sophisticated arrangement certain to make their heart soar heavenward.

Rising Star


Take the center stage and set your hopes high and your dreams big to be the next luck Rising Star! All pink aromatic stargazers lilies charm that special someone in the most sensual way. Give the gift of love and affection for every moment counts.

Full of Life


Royally rich and delightfully fresh, this exquisite basket of breathtaking flowers creates an uplifting aura of harmony and joy.

Polka Dotted Posy


Beautiful and vibrant, this exquisite array of fresh flowers sparkles with nature's grace and charm! Sweetly scented and colorful, these lively blooms are sure to make a memorable gift!

Garden Beauty Arrangement


Bursting with purple and red flowers, set among lush greenery, this cheerful and bountiful arrangement will leave a lasting impression on anyone lucky enough to receive it.

Sensual Pleasures Rose Bou..


Step out onto the scene with the most elegance presentation of red from head to toe. Two dozen enchanting ravishing beauties air of that ravishing elegance seen in old Hollywood films. Be that shining star in their eyes with the boldest display of genuine affections.

An Afternoon at the Beach


Take the day and grab that special someone for a glorious Afternoon at the Beach. Bask in sun and loose your self in the ocean breeze for moments of zen come once in a lifetime. Brilliant blossoms in shades of shimmering white, baby blue, and precious pink marry together like two soulmates in love.

A Bright Path


Fresh and lively, this stunning medley of red, purple and pink flowers shimmers with beauty and charm! Sure to light up any room, these blissful blooms make a truly delightful gift!

Large Flower Vase Arrangem..


Invigorate the spirit with these elegant and captivating flowers. Radiate the joy of pure beauty!

Bountiful Joys


Brilliant blooms of blue brim with bold beauty and breathtaking bliss! This stunning array of vibrant flowers sparkles with charm and exquisite appeal, making it a truly delightful and darling gift!

Dancing in the Garden


Subtle yet stunning, this delicate array of pink, white and blue flowers brims with sublime beauty and charm. Peace and tranquility flow from this arrangement, making it a truly enchanting gift!

Cream Brulee


Stunning roses shimmer in shades of cream, radiating exquisite beauty and velvety vibrance. Sweetly scented and truly breathtaking, these blooms make an utterly unforgettable gift!

Pastel Passions


A cloud of full, precious pink roses and innocent ivory lilies floats amid a shimmering glass vase in a stylish and sophisticated arrangement certain to make hearts soar. These blissfully beautiful blooms will make a perfect gift for someone special.

Touch of Class


Vibrantly beautiful and radiantly charming, this exquisite array of bright flowers showcases nature's wonder! Bold and brilliant, these blooms make a breathtaking and sweet smelling gift!

America the Great


Capture the breathtaking grace and charming glory of America with this beautiful basket full of vibrant color and patriotic cheer. Spread the joy--send today!

Glory in Pink


Loveable, huggable and truly sweet smelling, this delightful combination of fresh flowers and an adorable teddy bear exude darling beauty and smile-inducing charm! What a beautifully aromatic and precious gift!

Heavenly Purple


Show you care with these gorgeous blooms, and tickle that special someone purple!

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